Click Here for COVID-19 Vaccine Providers in Larimer County

(scroll to the middle of the page for Banner Health, UCHealth, Kaiser Permanente, Salud Family Health, Sunrise Community Health, Safeway, King Soopers and Walmart)

Click Here for COVID-19 Vaccine Providers in Weld County


At Banner Health, we want to make sure that we are providing you with the information you need to stay informed about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine.

The state and county health departments are leading the COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Banner will participate in this process by administering the vaccine at several Banner Health locations. We understand that there is a lot of interest in receiving the vaccine, so we appreciate your patience as we continue to work through distribution.

Health care workers and those living in long-term care facilities have been receiving the vaccine for the past few weeks, and many states are beginning to move into the next phases of vaccine distribution. Qualifications for each phase are determined by state and county health departments. Please visit your state and county health department websites or contact them directly to learn what phase they are currently in for the vaccine. If you now qualify for vaccination, those health department websites will provide you with scheduling links or phone numbers to various vaccination sites so that you can schedule your appointment. Most locations require a scheduled appointment and walk-ins cannot be accommodated.

We know that the COVID-19 vaccine is our way out of this pandemic and a return to a more normal way of living, and we are thrilled that you want to do your part by getting vaccinated. Please be patient as we work through vaccination appointments as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that the vaccine is in high demand and appointments may book up quickly. Check other vaccination sites if your preferred location does not have any appointments available.

We thank you for your continued diligence to stay healthy and safe. Please remember to distance from others and wear a mask when you are out in public. These behaviors will continue to be important in the coming months as the vaccine is slowly made available to all those who would like it

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