How to Share Your Voice

Learn effective ways to share your voice and make a positive impact on issues affecting our community. Discover how to engage in advocacy, connect with decision-makers, and amplify your message for meaningful change.

Share Your Voice and Make a Difference

At the Fort Collins Chamber, we believe in the power of community engagement and the importance of advocating for positive change. By actively sharing your voice, you can shape policies and decisions that impact our community. Here are some key ways you can effectively share your voice and make a difference:

Engage in Advocacy

Advocacy is the process of promoting or opposing an idea or policy. Get informed about the issues that matter to you and find organizations or groups that align with your interests. Joining forces with like-minded individuals and organizations can amplify your collective voice. Consider attending community forums or public hearings to express your views directly to decision-makers.

Connect with Decision-Makers

Reach out to your elected officials and let them know your thoughts on specific issues. Email, call, or write a letter to express your concerns and provide suggestions for improvement. Additionally, in-person public comment or conversation at city council sessions and meetings is a great way to have your voice heard. Building relationships with decision-makers and participating in open dialogues can contribute to positive change in our community. If you’re not sure who your City Council Member is, click here to find your city counsel member.

Jeni Arndt (At Large – Mayor) | Cell: (970) 413-3146

Susan Gutowsky (Dist 1) | Cell: (970) 294-2575

Julie Pignataro (Dist 2) | Cell: (970) 556-2869

Tricia Canonico (Dist 3) | Cell: (970) 305-6296

Melanie Potyondy (Dist 4) | Cell: (970) 217-5817

Kelly Ohlson (Dist 5) | Landline: (970) 493-7225

Emily Francis (Dist 6 – Mayor Pro Tem) | Cell: (970) 556-4748

Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms offer a powerful tool for sharing your voice and raising awareness about important issues. Join online discussions, share informative articles, and engage with local leaders or organizations. Utilize relevant hashtags and tag influential individuals or organizations to ensure your message reaches a broader audience.

Support Local Organizations

Connect with local organizations that advocate for the causes you care about. By volunteering your time, attending events, or making donations, you can actively contribute to their efforts and strengthen their advocacy work. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations can have a greater impact on creating change.

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