Advocacy Support for Business

by | Sep 28, 2021 | From the CEO

woman smiling, wearing glasses and a suit

Ann Hutchison


For questions and comments on this blog, please email Ann at [email protected]

Advocacy Support for Business

by | Sep 28, 2021 | From the CEO

The Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce has long been a business advocate, attending every City Council meeting, standing up on key issues and sharing a pragmatic view point. We make sure you have a seat at the table and a well-versed voice in the conversations that matter most is important.

We are excited that our first Advocacy Newsletter landed in members email boxes yesterday with the intention to keep you updated on issues impacting business, ways to contact your elected officials and insight on key issues the Chamber is tracking at the local, regional, state and federal level.

The content included:

We will continue to send these newsletter on a bi-weekly basis, so sign-up to stay informed and engage in what matters most to your business.

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