A Little Help prepares for Service Saturday!

Oct 2, 2019 | Member News

Service Saturdays! are twice-yearly events (one in the fall and one in the spring) providing volunteer assistance for older adults with various home maintenance jobs, cleaning, organizing, raking, and other household tasks.

We welcome volunteers from companies, churches, groups, families, and individuals. So sign-up today.

Service Saturday! will begins at 8:00 a.m. with coffee and cinnamon rolls. Sponsored by Starbucks and Silver Grill.

We need and appreciate your help to serve and celebrate the older adults in our communities!

– yard work – raking, trimming bushes, pulling weeds
– various home maintenance jobs
– de-cluttering closets
– washing windows
– dusting cobwebs and ceiling fans

We split into groups of 6-10 individuals.
We will have a limited supply of tools that can be provided, if you can, please bring your own.
Wear clothes that are comfortable and can get dirty.
Please plan to join us at check-in rain or shine we will get done whatever we can given all weather conditions.
Groups can or will have to carpool from meeting location to the homes we will be helping. NO children or teens should be dropped off without prior transportation arrangements.
Most teams will be going to 1-2 homes and work should be completed by noon.