Divorce Resources in Your Community

Oct 19, 2022 | Member News

Although the overall divorce rates in the US are slowing, the US divorce rate is amongst one of the highest in the world. And the average cost of a divorce in the US is $18,000. Per person. You read that right. Is it any wonder that more people are looking at DIY (also called pro se) options when going to file? Depending on your circumstance, you may or may not need an attorney, but it is NEVER a great idea to go it alone. Too many irrevocable mistakes can be made out of anger or fear when going through a divorce – mistakes that can be costly emotionally and financially.
Fortunately, this gal right here with 2 thumbs has you covered!

I am a divorce mediator and a divorce coach with a specialization in “high conflict” cases (what’s that you say? Schedule a consult and find out!). I run a free monthly divorce support group on Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/open-space-divorce-support/), offer free consultations (https://scheduleopenspacemediation.as.me/talkwithliz), and teach and speak regularly about conflict resolution at home (and at work), negotiation and communication skills, and, yes, how to navigate divorce elegantly. I’ve also got a robust Resources page on my website – check it out!: https://openspacemediation.com/divorce-resources/
If you’d like to learn some handy communication tips TODAY, check out this free resource I made for you!

I love being your friendly neighborhood divorce expert and look forward to supporting you or someone you love soon!