United Way of Larimer County to distribute $128,625 in federal funds

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded Larimer County $128,625 in federal funds through the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP) for Phase 38. Any nonprofit or local government agency providing food and shelter services may apply at https://bit.ly/EFSP2021 now through January 26, 2021. Current or former EFSP participation is not required for participation.

EFSP funds supplement food and shelter services and may not be used as seed money for new programs. Agencies may receive funds to provide food, shelter, and supportive services, including, but not limited to:

  • Food services, such as congregate meals or groceries;
  • Lodging in a mass shelter, or a hotel/motel or other off-site shelter facility limited to 30-days assistance per individual or household;
  • One month’s rent or mortgage assistance to prevent eviction or foreclosure;
  • Utility assistance for one month of service for gas, electric and water service; and
  • Supplies, including but not limited to cleaning supplies and small equipment essential to feed or shelter people, not exceeding $300 per item.

“EFSP is a unique national program administered by United Ways across the country on behalf of the Federal Government. The funds leverage United Way of Larimer County’s local fundraising efforts with essential funds for our most vulnerable populations,” said Claire Bouchard, VP of Community Impact & Engagement. “United Way of Larimer County appreciates the partnership with FEMA in order to deliver high need dollars to high performing nonprofits. A group of community members will review applications and award EFSP funding in early 2021.”


United Way of Larimer County (UWLC) is a one-stop resource for generosity in our community, ensuring that gifts of time, talent and treasure address today’s greatest needs – and reduce tomorrow’s. Community needs change over time, which is why UWLC encourages nimble and innovative human services and a commitment to nonprofit excellence. UWLC strives to strengthen our community by supporting youth & education, financial