Take a chance and give the perfect Holiday gift of Laughter Health, Healing and Happiness!

  • The hour group activities create a safe, fun environment that everyone can participate in and feel comfortable.
  •  Make memories that will be treasured.
  • An hour of laughter enhances well-being and happiness together. It allows the family to be more open with each other in a fun way.
  • Laughter can take you into lightness, peace and forgiveness.
  • Each activity we do in the class has a specific purpose to feel better mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • The specific categories are clapping, breathing, positive affirmations and laughter.
  • Laughter activities support connecting with each other in a joyful way.
  • Laughing with others, allows us to be ourselves.
  • Laughter is the shortest distance between human beings!

Call Debbie Smith RN for questions and reservations: 970-412-8725