Child care is at the center of nearly every working relationship, fueling our workforce, fostering strong families and creating a stable economy. Managers rely on their workers’ child care providers, professors rely on their students’ providers, patients rely on their doctors and nurses having dependable child care, and the list goes on and on.

High quality child care mobilizes workforces and nurtures healthy kids who, as studies show, are more likely to make positive social and economic contributions with early childhood care and education. When parents are working, they add to the economy and are better able to provide for their children. Child care not only grows strong kids, it grows strong communities.

“Not having reliable child care, or a provider they trust, is a huge source of stress for employees, and it affects the work place when they show up late, call in sick or are distracted,” says Raven Guerrero, Customer Service Representative, with the City of Fort Collins. Raven supervises employees who have and don’t have reliable child care and notices the difference.

The Early Childhood Council of Larimer County urges parents to thank their providers on National Provider Appreciation Day, May 11, as part of a national campaign — “Everyone Depends on Someone who Depends on Child Care.”

To learn more about the value of child care in Larimer County, visit  Shout outs to valued child care providers are being encouraged on the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County’s Facebook and Instagram pages using the hastag #nationalproviderappreciation

