The Downtown Development Authority is pleased to announce a month-long celebration of the film Back to the Future. The film series began in 1985, the same year that the iconic Old Town Square opened in the heart of Fort Collins. In the film, Marty visits the “Future” in 2015, the same year that the renovations of Old Town Square will be complete.
Visit one or all of the FREE events to go back in time and relive the fantasy, humor and fun!
Event Details
Tuesday, July 14: starting at 5:30 p.m., CooperSmith’s Poolside
Back to the Future Trivia & original Back to the Future movie screening
Special 1985 beer prices on their 4 original beers
Lots of prizes up for grabs!
Thursday, July 23: from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Bondi
1985 Trivia night. Lots of Prizes up for grabs!
Tuesday, July 28: starting at 5:30 p.m., Yeti
Back to the Future II movie screening.
All month: Ready to win some prizes and make memories at the same time? Find our “Picture Yourself in the New Square!” frames, snap a fun shot, and post it to social media with the hashtag #OTSRenovation to win swag! There are three different sized frames all throughout the Square ready for your “Picture perfect” moment!
About the Old Town Square Renovation Project
As part of the vibrant Downtown experience, the public plaza portion of Old Town Square has been heavily used over the last 30 years. The DDA and its project team are committed to creating a high-quality, public gathering space that accommodates a variety of activities now and into the future. Construction is underway and will be complete this fall.