We’ve had a great summer at the Fort Collins Area Chamber – filled with exciting programming and events.  Key to those experiences is our staff.  While most of you know our team at the Chamber and the tremendous work they do on a daily basis – you may not have met our summer intern Nicolás Kulisheck-López.

We had the great pleasure of working with Nico all summer long as he expanded his understanding of business and Chambers.  Nico is a junior at the University of Pittsburgh in the undergraduate business school. In his own words, “I am broadly interested in business and would like to use a summer internship for perspective on how business works outside of the university.”  I’m happy to report that, thanks to our staff, our members and our programming, we absolutely exposed Nico to the world of business.

I’m especially thankful to Nico for his willingness to jump in on any project throughout the summer and for the tremendously strong work he did to support business and our organization.  He created the following story related to All Star Cleaning and their feature on Good Morning America.  I invite you to see the great work that Nico did, but also to learn more about this impactful Chamber member and all they are doing for our community!

Chamber Member All Star Cleaning on Good Morning America

Last week, Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce member All Star Cleaning Services was highlighted during the Small Business Big Impact segment of ABC’s Good Morning America. The segment opened by providing background about All Star Cleaning Services, and the founder Laura Christian. After being a homeless, single mom as a teenager, she started the company at 24 years old. Laura discussed the importance of fostering community, stating that when she started the business she wanted to create her own “community”.

All Star Cleaning Services is committed to hiring those who will benefit the most. On the show there were testimonials from two of the company’s employees, who were hired as young parents struggling to make ends meet. They emphasized the impact their employment has had on their lives. Laura has always tried to use her business as a means to help people.

Everything changed when Laura’s daughter, Juno, was diagnosed with cancer and had to spend about a year in the hospital. Since then, Laura has dedicated herself to using her cleaning business to assist those going through similar struggles. She stated the importance of living in a clean environment to prevent infection or disease for those who are immuno-compromised, and how a clean environment improves one’s mental health and overall wellbeing.

Laura was on the show with her daughter Juno, who said she was doing well and is in remission (YOU GO JUNO!). Mentioning that Laura had expressed to the producers a desire to start a nonprofit, host Michael Strahan revealed to her they had reached out to Clorox and had secured a $10,000 donation to begin her nonprofit! But they weren’t done there, she and her family would also enjoy a paid vacation at Disney Land.

Having reached out to Laura since the feature, she said that “Good Morning America was amazing” going on to describe it as “the experience of a lifetime!” At the Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce, we could not be prouder of Laura. She is an integral part of the northern Colorado business community and should be seen as an example for us all.

Watch the full segment from Good Morning America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h3YcM4mrDc