Elections have consequences. So far the ones from the April City Council elections are good. Look no further than last week’s City Council meeting for evidence that the elections were positive for the community.

First, on a 6-1 vote, the Council passed Resolution 2015-059 adopting an update to the Economic Health Strategic Plan for the City of Fort Collins. The only “no” vote was from Councilman Ross Cunniff, the same person who made news earlier this year attacking one of the community’s most respected companies. He had convinced the Council to put off adoption of the economic plan until after the elections in hopes of being able to make dramatic changes to the plan and the City’s economic department.

Second, the Council voted 6-1 on First Reading of Ordinance 070, 2015, appropriating prior year reserves in the general fund for transfer to the capital projects fund for the Lincoln Corridor Improvements Project (for design, right of way acquisition and construction of the Lincoln Avenue improvements from 1st Street to Lemay Avenue) and transferring appropriations to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for the Art in Public Places Program in the amount of $1,968,119. Improvements to this corridor have been in the City’s plans for years and were promised to move forward when Woodward sited its corporate headquarters on the property on the northwest corner of Lemay and Mulberry. Councilman Cunniff was the lone dissenting vote. Councilman Bob Overbeck had previously opposed these improvements in his district but reversed himself post-election.

Third, an encouraging aspect of the above votes is that new Councilwoman Kristen Stephens supported them. During the election she said she wanted to focus on common sense solutions for the community and was pro-job creation. So far that has held true.

It’s too early in the term of the new Council to make sweeping pronouncements, but it appears that a divisive alliance on the past Council has been replaced with community problem solvers. It’s a refreshing change. Elections do have consequences, and they appear good for the community.