2012 is History, 2013 will be Eventful

Dec 28, 2012 | Business & Economy, Business-Friendly Environment, Economy, Talent

Another year has come and gone. Thank you for making 2012 a great one for the Chamber. In a future post I’ll update you on our key accomplishments. The short version is that the community continued to enjoy a strong reputation as a great place to live and the economy continued to strengthen.

The coming year will be interesting and challenging in some ways. In many respects, the uncertain policy and tax environment of 2012 continues into 2013. As I write this Congress and the President are engaged in a titanic political tug-of-war. The question isn’t about whether taxes will go up but rather by how much.

Locally, the first three months of the new year city council politics will be in full swing. Nearly every issue coming before the council will be politicized. Then, due to term limits, a new group will be leading city government for better or worse.

For our part, the Chamber will continue to press ahead with an aggressive ‘jobs agenda.’ Life is good in Fort Collins and the region, for sure, but too many people are unemployed and under-employed. Regardless of what is happening in D.C. and with local politics, staying focused on creating good jobs is a priority.

Happy New Year to you! The team at the Chamber looks forward to working with you to make 2013 a great year for your company and the community.