After a very successful 2013, which included helping retain Woodward in Fort Collins, the Chamber is focused on six top priorities for 2014:

  1. Find candidates for 2015 City Council elections. Local government has a big impact on business. Having people on the Council at least willing to consider the impact of government policies on business and the economy is very important to the community’s wellbeing.
  2. Increase public advocacy of the Chamber’s Jobs Agenda. The Chamber has a 40-point jobs plan ( In 2014, we will take the plan public.
  3. Conduct a competitive economic study. Businesspeople regularly tell us the challenges they have doing business in Fort Collins and local government says everything is fine. So, which is it? We plan to take an objective look at where the community is economically competitive and where we can use improvements.
  4. Lobby for funding to widen I-25 by launching an I-25 business coalition.
  5. Conduct a strong total resource campaign that exceeds 2013 results to keep the Chamber focused on initiatives and programs of value to members and the community and that provide necessary financial resources to operate the Chamber.
  6. Lobby to influence projects included on the City’s proposed 2015 capital campaign ballot measure. The Chamber has a history of supporting tax measures for long-term capital investments and wants to keep the city focused on such projects.