The Friends of the Symphony will present a musical adventure composed and narrated by Gregory Smith. The Animated Orchestra is designed to introduce children and their families to the instruments of the orchestra. This interactive musical story features a playful and curious ferret named Ari who wanders into Mr. Shraft’s musical instrument repair shop. Chaos ensues as Ari tries out all the instruments and finally falls asleep inside the tuba bell. Join us to find out what happens next! The concert will also premiere Gregory Smith’s newest piece, Shave and a Haircut. To showcase how an orchestra works, the FCS will perform Rossini’s William Tell Overture, Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, and Tower’s Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman.Tickets available at:
$5 per person or $20 for a family of five people. Note: Infants under one year are free.