Explore your inner dancer and connect with one another!Dance Express proudly announces the 3rd annual inclusive dance convening, Dance Beyond the Limits, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Celebrating diverse dance experiences in our culture, the all-day event creates a dance experiences for persons of all ages and abilities. We are privileged to have these master teachers:
Jana Meszaros of DanceAbility International
Ixchel Levendosky of Front Range Classical Ballet Academy Jeffrey Hughes, formerly with Canyon Concert Ballet Paulette Dolin, Rocky Mountain Region Feldenkrais practitioner
Glenda Monasch, Director of Therapeutic Eurythmy Training in North America.
Early bird prices and financial aid are available. Let everyone dance! The day’s schedule of events, biographies of the master teachers, and registration information are on the Dance Express website. Choose from workshops for Eurythmy, the DanceAbility Method, Fun & Functional dance, partnering, and character dance. We also invite you to share in an open discussion on creating inclusion in the arts and in our communities in the morning session and to enjoy a revue of the day at 4:00.