The Colorado Restaurant Foundation (“Foundation”) has established an emergency assistance program within the Foundation to assist Colorado restaurants affected by the Covid -19 crisis. This fund will be known as the Colorado Outdoor Winter Dining Grant Program (“the Program”).  The Program is designated for Colorado restaurants that have demonstrated financial need as defined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors in time of declared Covid-19 disaster.

These guidelines generally outline the eligibility requirements and the application review process for the Program and should be referred to during the application process. Please note that funds are limited. Applicants to the small business Colorado Outdoor Winter Dining Grant Program may or may not receive a grant from the Program.

The Program is administered by the Foundation committee charged with reviewing all applications per the standardized eligibility requirements and criteria set forth below, as well as specific requirements established by the Foundation’s staff and partners. Decisions regarding gifts/grants from the fund are at the sole discretion of the Foundation and the Grant Executive Committee.

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